11.18.2018 - St. Josaphat church 60th Anniversary
11.12.2018 - Patriarch Sviatoslav visits St. Josaphat church in Munster

02.11.2018 - Bishop Benedict
01.06.2016 - The Holy Theophany of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ
09.20.2015 - Baptism, Chrismation and Eucharist - Lyla Oxsana Vaughn
08.01.2015 - Wedding of Stephanie & Michael Yingling
Sunday Liturgy - Sisterhood of Prayer visit 06.28.2015.
Ukrainian Genocide Famine Foundation 09.22.2013.
Sunday Liturgy/Sermon & Parish Lenten Mission 03.11.2012.
Празник парафії Святого Йосафата. Feast of St. Josaphat
Picture Gallery
Перша Сповідь і Урочисте Святе Причастя 06.12.2011.
First Confession and Solemn Holy Communion 06.12.2011.
День матері 2011. Mother's Day 2011
Парафіяльне життя. Parish life.